The Color At The End Of Your Toothpaste strongly affects Your Health

The Color At The End Of Your Toothpaste strongly affects Your Health

Today we go to the shops and supermarkets to buy items for our personal hygiene, but very few times we stop to observe and read the ingredients that have these  industrialized products  we use every day at home.

The toothpaste is one of the personal hygiene products that moredifferent kinds of colors,  depending on the type of toothpaste we buy. Each of these colors are very important to the health of a person meaning.
They consumed in the world, because if you had not noticed at the bottom of the toothpaste is a tape having
So here we know them these colors have meaning, after learning that represents each color you're going to think very carefully and you'll stop to think before choosing a  toothpaste  at the supermarket or store.
Although the Internet there are many rumors that this colored ribbons are just a  identify for production machines , I have concluded that if influence our health, after buying several toothpastes and compare their ingredients.

Green stripes

Toothpaste Color Green Ribbon
Toothpastes with a ribbon of  green  on the bottom means it is a product made ​​from natural ingredients, so it is the best toothpaste for protecting our health naturally.

Black stripes

Batten toothpaste Color black
Toothpastes have a strip at the bottom of  black colored  means is a product prepared from 50 percent natural product and 50 percent of chemicals, this toothpaste and chemical nature mistad half.

Blue stripes

Toothpaste Color Blue Ribbon
The toothpastes which have a  slat  blue  at the bottom means that the paste is made ​​from 35 percent natural products and only 65 percent of chemicals, so this paste is more chemicals natural.

Red stripes

Toothpaste Color Red Ribbon
Toothpastes with a ribbon of  red  at the end means that the dough has been prepared based on more than 90  percent  of chemicals and other of  natural products , so my recommendation is to try not to use this type pasta.  Please share with friends and family. 

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