Oral hygiene is vital for the longevity of dental implants.
Special attention should be given to oral hygiene after surgery. Follow
these tips to keep your dental implants functional for long:
- Regular brushingPatients should brush their teeth at least twice a day. This will ensure that the growth of bacteria is prevented and your teeth stay protected from tooth decay and other oral diseases.Over a 1000 bacteria and viruses have been found in the mouth. Electric brushes have been shown to both clean more thoroughly and take less time. This is one of the most profound changes I have seen in 31 years of placing implants.
- Daily flossingFlossing should become a part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Flossing will remove food debris from between the teeth and implants. This prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and checks the development of tooth decay and gum disease. A water pik water flosser may be a suitable substitute if your dental hygienist recommends one.
- Regular dental appointmentsIt is important to have the dental implants checked regularly. Regular dental examinations ensure that your dentist knows how your implants are developing and gives you coaching as to how to avoid more serious problems. This also helps to spot any problems and deal with them early.
- Professional cleaningRegular teeth cleaning by a professional is also essential for teeth and gum health. Ensure that your teeth are professionally cleaned 4 times a year during the first year after the implant placement. I recommend quarterly cleaning intervals initially to help you establish habits that keep the soft tissues healthy. After that, your dental hygienist should be your best resource to know how often YOU need to have your teeth cleaned. This varies considerably between patients and also ensures thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums and prevents the development of gum disease.